Tuesday, June 9, 2009

He thinks his tractor's sexy!!



Here it is at 6pm arriving on the property. There's Jerry walking over to see what he got himself into!
Yes, Jerry bought himself a tractor.
Ah, but remember, there's a 50% tax break on this, it actually only cost us $12,500!!!
Well we finally got there, Jerry has his tractor. Of course, I didn't go with him to buy it so he purchased a MUCH LARGER one than I was expecting! Boys and their toys!

So, What's this?

Here's Billy Bob, the salesman, unloading the tractor from the trailer. NOTE: He didn't want me to take his picture, but he smiled all the way through this painstaking ordeal!
Now we had our choice of a green, red, orange or blue tractor (that's the different brands available) Remember, our farm color is blue (check out our website at www AardvarkAlpacas dot com) you'll notice our logo is BLUE. As a child my mother dressed me in red all the time to match my red rosy cheeks, ugh! Green is the money color but the salesmen were obviously not eager to make money as they didn't show their faces when Jerry went by to see the machines. Orange, who wants an orange tractor????? Oh, I get it, it's so the hunters won't shoot it during hunting season?????
Here's my favorite shot. It's something they call an engine. Who cares???

(I guess the guys drool over this.)

OK, here's the studman backing up. Now this picture is very exciting isn't it?? You can tell, Desi the alpaca is very excited about it.

NOTE: The green you see are WEEDS, not grass. Can this expensive tractor cut them? Not if you want to fool the neighbors into thinking that you've slaved all year to get you GRASS to look that good. After I took these pictures I got out the regular hand-push lawn mower and cut them so it looks like a golf course out there. Did I take pictures of the lovely pristene grass? NO!

Isn't he cool?????
I think we got a great deal!